Sunday, February 19, 2012

Good day, good weekend, and most of all, good friends and family

Had a really good weekend. I can't thank my folks enough for their support of my upcoming backpacking trip. On Saturday they took me to REI in Reno and bought me a backpack. REI Crestrail 70.

I'll be spending this next week learning how to outfit it for comfort and pack it correctly. In a couple weeks or so I'll start taking my walks with it on. Speaking of which, I've been doing good on my walks. I've walked everyday since deciding to take this trip, and have increased the distance little by little each day. I decided, though, that I should take Sunday's off each week from walking to let my body rest and heal. 

Today was especially good because my friends Paul and Laurel decided yesterday that they wanted to take a daytrip in the car and come visit me from Sacramento. I had no idea of the surprise they had in store for me! 
Paul and Laurel

I was excited enough just by the fact that they were coming all the way over here to visit me. When they got here we did the usual chit-chat of "how was the drive?" etc etc. Introduced them to a few of the critters and showed them around the house a bit. I asked Paul if he brought his camera because I wanted to check it out and compare it to mine since they are similar. He went to the car and grabbed it, came back in with a big camera bag, pulled out a Canon Rebel EOS XTi and said "Here you go Jimbly, you can have this". I couldn't believe it. I even asked "Oh, are you letting me borrow this?" Paul had to re-clarify to me that he and Laurel bought the camera to give to me. CLASS ACT!!! 

Many of you have seen my sunset pictures and know that I have been frustrated with the limits of my current camera. Somehow they put their resources together and found a way to get me something that I can really work with (as soon as I get past the learning curve!). I think what I appreciate the most isn't so much the camera itself (although that is TOTALLY FUCKING AWESOME!!!), but the fact that they like my sunset pictures enough to believe in my potential and wanted to help me with that. Thank you so much, guys!!!

The rest of the day was spent hanging out with them at a local coffee shop, driving into Carson City and checking out the capital building, then eating dinner at Francisco's Mexican Restaurant. Excellent excellent day! Oh, and also Paul left his telescope here for me to borrow for however long I want. What's really cool about that is that apparently there is an adapter for the camera they gave me that will let me attach it to the telescope! Hopefully I'll be able to get you guys out there some totally stellar pics in a few weeks! (see what I did there? hehe)  

The only other update I have right now is that I decided to do some volunteer work for our local food bank. I'm bored to tears of sitting on my ass. Just because I can't get a job doesn't mean I can't do something. I start tomorrow and I'll be driving a box truck to pick up food at Wal-Mart and then helping out for a couple hours. More on that later. In the meantime, here's a picture of my dog Rocky.


  1. 1. That camera is awesome.
    2. Almost as awesome as that dog - yappy little thing it probably is. Pat him for me?!

    1. Thanks! Actually, SHE's not really that yappy surprisingly enough!

  2. That is sooooooo great Jim. I am glad your parents are helping out. Love love love the camera. Of course it is just like mine. You will be so happy with the picture quality and ease of use. Practice with the action shots just in case you see something worth shooting in that mode. Can't wait to see the pictures of your trip and hear about all your adventures. Your dog is totally cute. Is she a Chiuahua (SP)Are you taking her with you?

    1. Thanks! Yeah, there's a lot to learn about the camera, but I feel confident I'll catch on quickly. My dog is a Chiweenie. Half Chihuahua, half Weiner dog! No, not taking her with me haha.

  3. Awesome friends you have there Jimbo... your dog rocks!! Miss you <3

    1. I also wanted to tell you that I love that pic of you!! ~Alyson

    2. Thanks Alyson! And thanks for reading! Hope you're doing well! Please tell your dad I said hi.

  4. Geez Jim. I am damn near cried reading this. I am so happy for you, inspired even.

    1. Cried? There's no crying in blogging! haha. Thanks Stacy! Hope you're well, and looking forward to your next blog update!

  5. THAT IS AWESOME! oh by the way the tags on rocky are bigger than her...

  6. Very nice Jimbly! Very nice indeed. You have some awesome shit going for ya. Keep up the good work my friend!

  7. Friends rock! Yo Paul, that is too fucking awesome. I know you'll have fun with that lil Rebel. Kick ass. I expect great things from you, Jim. ;)

    1. Thanks Dana! A lot of times I feel really down and out, desperate and alone, but then I remember all my kick ass friends like Paul and Laurel, Lori, and you and Heidi and all the great things all of you and so many others have done for me over the years. I owe a lot to all of my friends, and feel guilty at times about all the help I have received. Get some pics for ya soon hopefully!
