Friday, June 1, 2012

Day Three 5-30-12 and Sore Left Foot

Day three was pretty good. Details in the pics. I ended up having to get a ride to my grandparent's house in Reno. I didn't want to cheat on this walk, but my left foot is giving me serious problems due to the road construction surface I had to walk on during the first day. I'm going to hang out here for as long as it takes, hopefully only til early next week. I absolutely do not want to have to go back home for several weeks or whatever to heal this up, and then have to start over again. Luckily my aunts 'n grandparents are gracious hosts, and I'll be able to catch some Giants games! Here's a video and a bunch of pics of Day Three, enjoy!


Looking back at the 395 on ramp I just walked up. 

Still have a long way to go, all uphill.

Goodbye Carson Valley

FINALLY! At the top of the hill!

Washoe Valley.

There's always an alternative for when you get lonely, and it's not always "downtown"...

WOO HOO! 8 miles and three hours later and I'm finally here! Now to find my spot.

ok WHAT THE FUCK?! Didn't notice this til after a couple hours at my camp site. it was about ten feet away. I really have no idea what the fuck is going on here.

Trail to the beach.

Interpretive trail does not interpret. 

There's a few of these little dry pond beds around the lake. They're rad. I wish I coulda gotten a pic of myself standing out in the middle of it, but my camera's timer doesn't last that long...

Washoe Lake

These things were everywhere.

Fooling around with the macro. it's cool and fun, but I really wish I had something better suited for landscapes.

The floor of one of the dry ponds.

And this is what it would look like if you were tiny.

I was trying to capture the "shimmering" of all the shells. Not really sure that this does it justice.  post script: the Shimmering is not the same as the Shining. Shimmering only lets you hear the good ghosts, and there's no psychic affect. 


  1. Love the pics! Heal up...I want to hear more!

    1. Thanks Stacy! Believe me, my foot's been getting some nasty glares from me the last couple days!

  2. inevitably, it's gonna be solely your good looks that carry you when you get farther up 395. I wouldn't sweat the opportunity to regroup because it absolutely won't be possible then. Get your re-coup on!

    1. Thanks Keith! Look forward to seeing you guys! I'm hoping we can catch a ball game together.

  3. "I really have no idea what the fuck is going on here." The picture isn't funny but that statement made me laugh so hard. Hope you're back on track by Monday :)

    1. Thanks Milissa! Yeah, it was really weird! I wanted to call the ranger station and let them know, but my phone was about to die, and I didn't see them around the rest of the day.

      I'll probably not be back on the road til Tuesday, Wednesday-ish. Just have to play it by ear day to day.

  4. Smashin' pics Jimmery. Some awesome colours in there. Send me some of the full sized pics if you get a chance.

    No idea what's going on in the wtf pics. Looks like something done got itself depawed though.

    1. I guess somebody's RV Pink Slip was up for grabs in a high stakes Scrabble game :)

      Which pics would you like, buddy?

  5. There's 3 close + 3 distant shots of the lake, and also your macro grassy shot.

    1. Ok. I'll try to send what I can now, but I may need to wait til I get to faster connection. One way or another we'll get 'em to ya!

  6. HaHa looks like u found some lucky dog feet!! love ya cuz

    1. Maybe they're not so lucky, considering the feet problems I'm having right now haha

  7. Like all the pix!.

    Chris Fester Mraz

  8. Love the pictures. Glad to know that you are listening to your body and taking care of yourself, not pushing to hard and letting yourself heal. Keep it up, this is an amazing journey that you have decided to take on.

    1. Thank you! Unfortunately, I had to come home because of my foot. It's not really improving that much. Not sure how long it will take to heal, and not sure when or if I'll be back on the road.

  9. Jim those are stunning pictures. Just beautiful :)
    I hope you are healed and on your way again.
    It sounds like you are on an amazing adventure.

    1. Thank you so much, Crysi! My foot is doing A LOT better, and I'm back on the road again tomorrow! Thanks so much for following along. Really appreciate the support!
