Thursday, July 5, 2012

Days 21 thru 22

I accidentally got internet tonight! Before I share, I wanted to make sure to give some big shout-outs to the folks at Eagle Lake RV Park. They were all super awesome and nice to me. The young lady at Mariner's resort for being so gracious to me when it turned out I was in the wrong place. Paul for coming all the way to hang out with me. All the awesome people in Adin, CA who were super friendly, and of course, Alfred, for taking me in for a couple days and pretty much helping me do whatever I needed to prepare for the next leg of my trip (including the front wheel on my cart!) No vids this post, so on to the pics!

Alfred and his dog Moose. Dog is HUUUUUGE!!! Thank you for everything Alfred!

Giant badmitten birdie made of iron, or life size replica of a Fallout 3 structure?

I think I met about 22% of the population

Fourth of July in smalltown America

Mt. Shasta from Lookout Road

All the crop grasses were really lush that day

You can just make out a couple deer in this. Wish I had a zoom. Saw HELLA deer that day, and only one of them was dead on the roadside. The rest were living!

It only took 21 miles and ten hours, but I made it.

Good Morning Modoc. Actually, it wasn't that good. I didn't sleep for shit, ran out of smokes, and had a seriously long day ahead of me.

If I were in Skyrim blah blah blah you know the deal.

Mt. Shasta re-emerges from the Modoc


  1. That giant bad-mitten birdie is actually a hop dryer. mmm ....hops...for beer...

    1. Thanks for reading! My host Alfred, said it had something to do with a saw mill. Beats me...

  2. it is saw mill related, i believe they used to be used for burning the sawdust...most sawmills had a faux breast for the iron giant when he wants to be a ts

    michael grosse

    1. That sounds about right. pretty sure that's what Alfred described to me. Thanks for the info Michael, and for following along!


    sawmill sawdust burner


  4. jimbo you kick ass!!!!! love the pics, also happy you have made some friends at this leg of your race!!!! sent sunny your link, she is amazed at what you are doing!!!! well shit we all are!!! be safe, and know we are all thinkin of ya!!!!!! god speed mother fucker!!!!! oh this is chad jayson!!!!!

  5. fuckin shasta. that thing is ominous when I drive down to CA

    but the modoc is great

    1. Thanks for sharing my page on FB Anji! Can't wait to see you guys!

  6. Thr eagle lake folks were always cool when i went up there. Been a long time. Smalltown pic with the flags....two thumbs up. Chris Fester Mraz

  7. Sounds like you're cookin' right along! I want to see this volcanic bed you speak of!

  8. Jennifer Hall-DavisJuly 7, 2012 at 3:18 PM

    These photos are photo-journalism at its finest. Beautiful. The flag lined road brought a tear to my eye and the rusted out metal building with a STOP sign in the foreground is really powerful. Keep it up, Jim. These moments may just become a book.

  9. Jennifer Hall-DavisJuly 7, 2012 at 3:20 PM

    I am so impressed you went so far today! This journey is truly amazing to read.

    Also, I didn't know those lava caves existed in much exploring to do in this state.

    Looking forward to your next entry!!!!

    1. Thanks Jennifer! Yeah it's pretty amazing here! Glad you like the pics I appreciate your support!
