Saturday, July 7, 2012

Days 23 thru 24

Wow it's been a crazy few days with lots of miles lots of folks and lots of pain and emotion! Met a cool retired couple today at the Lava Beds National Monument. They're travelling and also keep a blog. They've been through where I live and through many of the same areas that I've been on my trip, so far.

Here's a few pics from today and yesterday, enjoy!

Camp Jimbo at Hawks Nest RV

Wanna talk about being in the ass end of the middle of nowhere?


  1. Wow! Haven't been to a cave in way too long! Very cool! Fester

  2. 6th from bottom...looks like a rock sphincter. I hope you entered it.

    1. Just the tip, just for a second, just to see how it felt!

    2. I told that to my old lady and I got a black eye for my troubles. I hope you spit on it first. Love ~ Jackpot Corndog

  3. the bat disease is probably whitenose, it's a fungus that's killing off bats nationwide. They're restricting a lot of cave access trying to keep people from spreading it to other bat populations.

    Either that or it was a rabies haven

  4. Very neat pictures.

    That happens to me a lot too. I have zero faith in humanity, then someone in front of me in line gives the cashier 9 extra dollars for my purchase and I have no idea until the man has left and the cashier tells us it's paid for. That happened once, and restored quite a bit of faith. That happens with everyone I think, little to no faith in humanity then someone comes along and does something great. My Mom even agrees that's how she feels with people.

    I try to treat others like I'd want to be treated, and I'm sure it'd work if I actually did that. It's hard to do because I don't know how I want to be treated. Maybe as a human being, that'd be nice. :) Nice job on the 28 miles, you crazy person. I rode my bike for 5 miles yesterday and my ass hurts like you wouldn't believe. I was a buff kid apparently, those days are gone.

    1. If you pedal with your legs instead of your ass you might not hurt as much...

      Yup, fuck people haha

  5. Awesome pics!! Greg, Mina and I went there when Mina was 2 almost 3 and Leilu Dallas Multipass was a puppy. Mina LOVED IT!!!! Very cool stuff you are seeing indeed!!!!

    1. Thanks Angie! Did you take Mina into any of the caves? I can't imagine what a two year old would be thinking haha! It was a really awesome place, and I'd really like to go back again sometime. You guys need to text me your address so I can send you a postcard.
