Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Presentation Invite and Back Home

Howdy! On Saturday Oct 20th we will be having a bbq and I will be giving a presentation about my walking trip to Seattle. This will be taking place at my friend Lori's house in Sacramento. If you plan to attend, please send me a private message and I will provide you with the exact address. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Jim Arrives at the Space Needle

Well, here it is finally. My last day. There's a lot I want to say and talk about, but I'm just not ready or capable. I'll probably make another post on here to talk about those things when I've had more time to reflect. In the meantime, please keep an eye on the Facebook page, as I will be making more updates on there, particularly about a presentation I plan on having in October in Sacramento, where I'll also be making an "official" announcement about what I plan on doing next. Before I begin with the pictures and video of my last day, I want to thank EVERYONE, all of you, that helped me on this trip. Whether you donated funds or hosted me or even just cheered me on, I can't thank you enough. Especially to my parents for sacrificing so much financially to make this possible. Anyway, on to the visuals. Enjoy!
I stayed with my old friend Caine and his family in Olympia before going to the Space needle. The night before I left I did a little photo shoot with them. There's a lot more of these pics from that, that I'll post on my other blog. It was awesome to see him after close to thirteen years!
Walkway to the foot ferry in Port Orchard

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Days 55 thru 60

Not much to report on this post. I'm really tired and am in a lot of pain. Right now I am hanging out with my friend Cain in Olympia. Gonna chill here for a couple days then have him drop me off at one of the ferry terminals on Saturday morning for my final day. So yeah, I will be cheating a bit on my last day, but honestly, I don't give a shit because my body is just tore the fuck up. If anyone wants to give me shit for that, then go ahead and walk 15 to 20 miles a day nearly everyday for 45 to 60 consecutive days in a row, then you can come to me and call me a pussy. Until then, shut the fuck up. I'll be arriving at the Space Needle on Saturday the 18th, sometime in the late morning or early afternoon, if you want to meet me there. I'll be taking plenty of pics and video of the day and my arrival, as well as live, turn by turn, updates on the Facebook page. In the meantime, here's a few pics from the last week or so. Enjoy!

View from the top of Green Mountain, coming out of Woodland. This mountain was small and short, but extremely steep. Probably the steepest set of hilss I climbed the whole trip. Straight up, and straight down. I didn't really expect to run into something like this at this point of the trip. It pissed me off and really fucked up my whole day. I had planned on doing twenty miles, but could only manage about 12 miles because of this stupid fucking hill.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 54 Road Closed

Possibly the shortest blog post in Jimbo history. Enjoy!

Vancouver, WA. Not the most attractive portion of this town...
My very very first glimpse of Mt. St Helens.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Days 50 thru 53 Salem to Vancouver

Not too many pics in this one. But there is a cool video of me crossing into Washington! The sunset ones are from the night I left Eugene. The rest were taken while leaving Portland. Enjoy!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Days 46 thru 49, Oregon Coast to Monmouth OR

More pics from the coast and on to this morning. It was great hanging out with my friend Anji and taking a break, but it's nice to be back on the road again. I really just want to push through the last leg of this walk as quick as I can. I'm hoping to arrive at the Space Needle on Saturday the 18th. Sunday would be fine, too. Oh, and by the way, my friend Anji is a bad ass artist of many mediums including tattoos, rock and bone sculpture, and painting http://resonanteye.net/. Now for some pictures, Enjoy!

These didn't really come out like I was hoping, but they're still kinda cool anyway. Trying to learn how to shoot into the light.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Days 40 thru 45, Dexter Lake to Alsea, OR

Not too many pics of my walk in this post. I'm staying with my friend Anji, who lives in Alsea Oregon. Taking a little break from the walk. We went out to the coast on Saturday. The Oregon coast is one of the most visually awesome places in the world. Rugged, tough, and beautiful. Enjoy!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Days 38 and 39, Oakridge to Dexter

Ok, how many days have I been in Oregon, part of the great Pacific Northwest, and STILL no coffee house! Went to a diner and grabbed an omelette, and there was a cool bar next door, ran by Greg and Shannon. I ended up hanging out there for a few hours and had a few beers. It was jam night. A bunch of locals jamming out old blues and classic rock songs. I had an awesome time! Big shout-out to the bartender Ashley for being way cool!

Also met a bunch of cool cats next to my campground this morning. They're reggae musicians on tour. Their next stop is in Sacramento.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Days 34 and 35

I've made it past the halfway point! Thanks to the folks at http://www.pactour.com/ for feeding me and making it a memorable experience! People in Oregon have been really awesome!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Days 29 thru 33

So far in oregon I haven't been doing a very good job at taking photos. There's been lots of nice scenery, but I'm kinda bored with scenery for the moment. Hopefully that'll remedy itself. I also need to make sure to take more pictures of the people I meet. Speaking of which, I met a fellow this morning that's biking from San Francisco to Alaska! http://dmandave.blogspot.com.

Some pics, and a couple vids near the end. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Days 27 and 28, into Oregon!

Well, I'm finally in Oregon! Feels like it took too long to get here. I hate to think about how it'll feel to get through this whole state! Not many pictures to share, 'n they're mostly of the sunrise from when I left the Ellis Motel. Sorry for the repeat images, but I can't really decide which ones I like best. Three videos, one of breakfast, the other two of me complaining, as usual. Enjoy!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Days 25 thru 26

From the Lava Beds to Ellis Motel. I cheated a little today, but as explained in the video, I was beat down. Sorry for so many pics of the motel sign, but I really like the image. Very postcard like. Can't decide which one is best/my favorite. 

Sunrise at the Lava Beds campground


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Days 23 thru 24

Wow it's been a crazy few days with lots of miles lots of folks and lots of pain and emotion! Met a cool retired couple today at the Lava Beds National Monument. They're travelling and also keep a blog. They've been through where I live and through many of the same areas that I've been on my trip, so far. http://www.along4ride.blogspot.com/

Here's a few pics from today and yesterday, enjoy!

Camp Jimbo at Hawks Nest RV

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Days 21 thru 22

I accidentally got internet tonight! Before I share, I wanted to make sure to give some big shout-outs to the folks at Eagle Lake RV Park. They were all super awesome and nice to me. The young lady at Mariner's resort for being so gracious to me when it turned out I was in the wrong place. Paul for coming all the way to hang out with me. All the awesome people in Adin, CA who were super friendly, and of course, Alfred, for taking me in for a couple days and pretty much helping me do whatever I needed to prepare for the next leg of my trip (including the front wheel on my cart!) No vids this post, so on to the pics!

Alfred and his dog Moose. Dog is HUUUUUGE!!! Thank you for everything Alfred!

Giant badmitten birdie made of iron, or life size replica of a Fallout 3 structure?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Days 18 thru 20

Paul dropped me off just a couple miles north of the Eagle Lake area. I headed north through part of the Modoc National Forest into Adin, CA, where I am staying with Alfred Peck. He and his family have been fantastic hosts!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day Off at Lassen National Park

My good friend Paul Fletcher came up for the weekend to hang out and keep me company. I've known him since 1996(ish)! He showed up at Eagle Lake RV Park Friday night. Saturday we headed for a day trip to Lassen National Park. I'd never been there before so it was pretty exciting. Of course, he tricked me into doing a "short" hike that actually turned out to be pretty vigorous. I think we walked through Skyrim! Luckily no dragons showed up. I had a great time today, Paul! Thanks for coming out! Pics and video tell the rest. Enjoy!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Days 7 thru 15, Bordertown to Eagle Lake

Whew! It's been a whirlwind of adventure and emotion this last week. Lots of ups and downs. Thank you to everyone that has supported me thus far on my trip. Lots and lots of pics and a few vids on this one. Enjoy!

The diner at Bordertown gave me a $25 dining credit for my camp site getting wet from the sprinklers. Damn right I got the steak!

Sunrise at Bordertown

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Days 4, 5, 6, and this morning...

Well I'm back on the road again, finally. It's been an interesting few days to say the least. My foot isn't really bothering me anymore, and I'm feeling more confident each day. Pics and vids tell the story. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Tomorrow I finally take off again. As some of you already know, I got held up due to an injury to my foot that happened on the first day. I had to come home a few days later to try and heal up. Fortunately my foot is good to go! I've walked several miles a few times while waiting to re-embark, and so far so good! 

In the meantime, I wanted to give a shout out to a couple of friends of mine...

Friday, June 1, 2012

Day Three 5-30-12 and Sore Left Foot

Day three was pretty good. Details in the pics. I ended up having to get a ride to my grandparent's house in Reno. I didn't want to cheat on this walk, but my left foot is giving me serious problems due to the road construction surface I had to walk on during the first day. I'm going to hang out here for as long as it takes, hopefully only til early next week. I absolutely do not want to have to go back home for several weeks or whatever to heal this up, and then have to start over again. Luckily my aunts 'n grandparents are gracious hosts, and I'll be able to catch some Giants games! Here's a video and a bunch of pics of Day Three, enjoy!


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day Two 5-29-12

My second day didn't go as planned, but that's alright. I'm sure that's gonna happen more often than not on this trip. Decent hotel room with shitty neighbor...

My room at the Days Inn (that's Daze In, if yer in a fucked off Nic Cage film...

My room if I was having a hooker over for dinner.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Day One 5-28-12

Well here it is folks. My first day walking to Seattle. The pics and video tell the story. Enjoy!

Right before I left. Saying goodbye to my dog Rocky.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Change of Plans

I've decided not to backpack to Seattle. Instead, I'm gonna use a CART! 

This is the Booyah "Swivel" 3in1 Double Baby Bicycle Bike Trailer & Jogger Red
I wrote a review on amazon.com if you want more details on the cart. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The American Dream is Dead and We are Attending the Wake

This post is for those of you that don't know me very well, if at all. I'm sure I'll fail miserably at explaining myself, but I think it's important to put my backpacking trip into context by telling you a bit about myself. Listen to the music in the video while you read...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Big Update and HALP!!!

Howdy everyone! It's been more than a month since my last update and there's a lot to cover so let's jump right in.

I've been doing volunteer work at the local food bank for about the last month or so. Only doing 4 or 5 hours a week, but it adds to my exercise and beats the hell outta sitting around the house. I can't find work for shit so this gives me something to do. I'm hoping to bring you a post one of these days of what I do over there.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

I have decided that I am going to take a walk.

A few days ago I woke up very late in the afternoon. AGAIN! Actually, it's a fairly normal routine for me. Any of you that know me, know that I've always been a night person, and have suffered with insomnia since I was teenager. I'm like this even when I feel like everything is ok with my life. For whatever reason, though, this time I felt horribly depressed about waking up so late. What a waste. I start thinking about how my life for the last several months has just been one useless shitty day blending into the next. I've lost my ability to see into the future. I'm tired of where I am in my life and in my mind. Feeling completely helpless and stranded. I daydream that I just walk away. Then it occurred to me, why not? Why can't I just walk away? Even just for a little while.